Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What is the hardest thing about being a Christian, in your opinion?

IMO, the hardest thing about being a Christian is letting go of what I was used to. Most of us were brought up in a secular world, in other words, most of us were brought up with very little emphasis on God. I thought that money, fame, and girls were all that I need to make this life worthwhile. Being a Christian, those things don't matter at all. I struggle to believe that though I don't have the riches of this world, I'm spiritually rich because of my Father above, inheritance. I struggle with understanding that the Glory that I get here on earth, should not be my own, but given to the Almighty. Last, but not least, I struggle with lust. Before becoming a Christian, I respected women, everything about them intrigued me. That was the problem, I was so interested in them, that I felt like I "needed" a woman, and needless to say, they had to be physically and emotionally beautiful, once again, I was wrong. Beauty is like the ocean, it is found at the depth of struggles and pain, and faith that there's someone in control when all else seems bleak. See, being a Christian is not about being perfect, we are bound to struggle, we are bound to face challenges, we are sometimes bound to fail, but unlike any other mysteries in life, we know what the grand prize is; an all expense paid trip into heaven. So take these hardship as stepping stones into the life of your dreams. Thanks for asking and reading

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