Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where I Belong Right Now

Woke up this morning to Jason Mraz- You and I. I promise, it seems like every time I hear a track from this dude, I cannot help but look up a picture of Hawaii. This is the one I choose for today, Enjoy and have a great day =]

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

If I Receive An F on My Bio Exam, This is the Reason


As my girlfriend and I were leaving the room, Tom, Jason, and Reggie (if you do not know them, pretend like you do) came by and invited me to go to Tar-Jay (Target) with them to pick up the new Pokemon game. I was a bit reluctant considering the fact that my girlfriend was not aware that I was planning on getting the game, and on top of that I had a Bio exam the next day. I gave into peer pressure, considering there was not really any pressure because I really wanted the game anyways. We successfully obtained the game, and headed back to John Matterns room to play for "an hour" (a phrase I often use). Before I knew it, time flew from 9 to 11. I knew I had to study for an exam, so I told myself "okay one more hour." ....Well....6 hours later I was sitting at my desk, study guides from Human Bio spread across my bed, and John's Gameboy DS glued to my hands. I finally stopped playing when the light of day came up, and went to sleep.

The End =]

P.s. I have 4 gym badges and 2 pokemons over level 30s

Monday, January 10, 2011


Hey, so I heard about this crazy workout called insanity, the name seems to speak for itself. Well I got my hands on a copy of the workouts and I plan on doing it for the next 60 days, so here we go, I'll keep everyone posted every few days or so, and hopefully by the end of it, I will have some results to share with you guys.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011-New Year, Same Stuff?

I have always been the type of person who set New Year resolutions just to see my goals deteriorate by the beginning of March. Was it because I set my standards too high? In previous years I swore that I would not use profanity, or that I would become a better man, or that I want to have a certain amount of money in my savings account, but I usually do not follow through with these simple goals. Something would happen and I would start spewing out profane words one after the other, and by the time December rolls around, I have used up all the money that I was suppose to save (90% of the time it was for things that I really did not need). This cycle has continued for many years now, and though the feeling of starting fresh is nothing new to people on this day, especially myself, I feel like 20-11 will be different. First the number 20, the age that I will be turning this year. I will be 20 years old this year, man I feel old. As I look back on the 20 years of my life, I realize that I have not done much that I am proud of, better yet I have not done enough for others. The past few years, I have been slacking, and the results of my life has shown that. The number 11, my favorite number. Isaiah Thomas said that he wore number 11 when he played basketball because it meant that he was number 1 twice. I look back to previous years, and realize that I can not say that I am number 1 at anything.

So 20-11, things will be different, and my friends, family, and fans will be the ones who will hold me accountable to this. Below I will share my resolution, and all I could say is buckle up because we are going to go for a ride in 20-11.


1. Grades, 3.5 or above- Last semester I did not finish well, and I had way too much on my plate (and plus, I decided to use my studying time on NBA 2k11, and Poke' Mon Heart Gold). This year, I cannot afford to let my grades slip, and I must make up for last semester. (If you are curious about what I ended with last semester, I will sadly inform you that I ended with a 2.9)

2. Weight- Coming home from college, I expected to hear things like "I miss you so much" or "I am so glad you are back" or "You look good" Haha, but do you know what I heard most during this return to home? "Dang, you got big". I heard it from my mom, my brothers, over 80 percent of my family, my friends. my co-workers, and customers that remember me before I left for college. So by the end of this year they will be saying the same thing, but this time it would be all muscle, not 50/50.

3. Grind-Simple. I have been really stagnant with my progression. I have been content for too long, and now it is time to start networking, recording, BLOGGING, and finding all the ways that I could glorify the Lord.

4. Lord- Once again, very simple: Get reconnected, and Trust and Glorify him.

5. Vee- I always out this down every year for a resolution, and what this mean is just to become a better person. This is the resolution that wraps everything up. Become a better Christian man, more educated, more hardworking, and more loving.

If you read this far, thank you and congratulation, you have been granted permission to keep me accountable to all of the goals above. You are under the category of friend, or family, or fan, and I greatly appreciate you for taking time out of your day to read this.

With much Love and Glory to God,
Vee, welcome to 20-11

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What is the hardest thing about being a Christian, in your opinion?

IMO, the hardest thing about being a Christian is letting go of what I was used to. Most of us were brought up in a secular world, in other words, most of us were brought up with very little emphasis on God. I thought that money, fame, and girls were all that I need to make this life worthwhile. Being a Christian, those things don't matter at all. I struggle to believe that though I don't have the riches of this world, I'm spiritually rich because of my Father above, inheritance. I struggle with understanding that the Glory that I get here on earth, should not be my own, but given to the Almighty. Last, but not least, I struggle with lust. Before becoming a Christian, I respected women, everything about them intrigued me. That was the problem, I was so interested in them, that I felt like I "needed" a woman, and needless to say, they had to be physically and emotionally beautiful, once again, I was wrong. Beauty is like the ocean, it is found at the depth of struggles and pain, and faith that there's someone in control when all else seems bleak. See, being a Christian is not about being perfect, we are bound to struggle, we are bound to face challenges, we are sometimes bound to fail, but unlike any other mysteries in life, we know what the grand prize is; an all expense paid trip into heaven. So take these hardship as stepping stones into the life of your dreams. Thanks for asking and reading

Ask me anything

Monday, June 28, 2010

Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography

I can’t say I have ever spent money on pornography. What I have spent was time that could have been used doing something productive, and a reputation that I should have been more aware of. People don’t believe that there is such a thing as porn addiction. That’s ridiculous. That’s like saying there is no such thing as a cocaine addiction, or alcohol addiction. Straight from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, addiction is the persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful. Wait. Before you say that pornography is not harmful, read on. Porn effects people psychologically to the point that we don’t even notice it. It affects our attitude when we wake up; it affects how a man sees a woman. Instead of seeing our women as masterpieces from God, we treat them like they were the sex objects that we see when we’re watching pornography. And women, you’re not off the hook, watching pornography can cause you to feel like you deserve to be treated that way. That’s why when you are in a relationship where sex is involved, you always feel like there is a void that has not been filled. You feel like something is missing in your relationship, and you know what you’re right. I would like to compare porn to a silent fart, it goes off undetected, but the outcome is deadly. If that’s not enough research reveals that 77 percent of child molesters of boys and 87 percent of child molesters of girls admitted imitating the sexual behavior they had seen modeled in pornography. Holy Smack! I’m not saying just because you’re watching porn you’re a molester, but it’s an example of how pornography affects our mind without us even noticing it. It took me 15 minutes to write this, meaning that was 900 seconds, multiply that by 3,075, and you get $2,768,076. Money that supports an industry that allows women to be demoralize, and men to stray from God, we must stop this!

contact me if you want to talk, you could be anonymous :

Life. GLory. Love, all from and for the Lord Jesus Christ