Tuesday, March 8, 2011

If I Receive An F on My Bio Exam, This is the Reason


As my girlfriend and I were leaving the room, Tom, Jason, and Reggie (if you do not know them, pretend like you do) came by and invited me to go to Tar-Jay (Target) with them to pick up the new Pokemon game. I was a bit reluctant considering the fact that my girlfriend was not aware that I was planning on getting the game, and on top of that I had a Bio exam the next day. I gave into peer pressure, considering there was not really any pressure because I really wanted the game anyways. We successfully obtained the game, and headed back to John Matterns room to play for "an hour" (a phrase I often use). Before I knew it, time flew from 9 to 11. I knew I had to study for an exam, so I told myself "okay one more hour." ....Well....6 hours later I was sitting at my desk, study guides from Human Bio spread across my bed, and John's Gameboy DS glued to my hands. I finally stopped playing when the light of day came up, and went to sleep.

The End =]

P.s. I have 4 gym badges and 2 pokemons over level 30s

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